Classmate Blog Critique
For the classmate blog critique,
I decided to review the blog of someone whos interests seems to coincide with mine. I chose
to critique the blog of Justice Seymour. Right off the bat, you can tell that
Justice has an interest in current pop-culture; he is up to date on current
happenings that are coming out of the film, television, and technological fields. His recent blog entry that
covers predictions of the future, this entry is probably my favorite of his
blog reviews. He doesn’t include one topic in general; instead, he covers multiple
questions, such as streaming, gaming, and augmented reality. His conclusion ties
them together in a metaphorical that imagines all three of the mixed media he
covered coming together into one substantial virtual media amalgamation.
Another blog entry of Justice’s that I enjoyed was his
sixth blog about global trends. Justice decided to cover Lucas the Spider. Lucas
the Spider is a CGI (Computer Generated Image) spider that is composited into a video of the real world. Lucas has the voice of a very young boy
(probably the artist's son, or relative)
the shorts are a little over a minute in length and show the daily life of little Lucas. I first heard about Lucas the
Spider while looking for videos on YouTube for my three-year-old daughter to
view; this was almost a year ago when I first discovered Lucas. After Justice’s
presentation, I decided to pull up the Lucas videos to show Millie (and my
eight-month-old daughter Audrey as well) there were more Lucas videos this time,
so we spent a few minutes watching the videos and enjoying them with my daughters.
Finally, his posts about binge-watching,
programming trends, and personal media habits were also very enthralling reads,
in my opinion. Justice has an affinity for shows like Firefly, Breaking Bad,
Daredevil, Arrow, and The Leftovers. Personally, I’m not a fan of Breaking Bad
(I felt it was too depressing), Firefly never caught on with me, and I haven’t
seen The Leftovers. However, Justice’s passion for these shows translates to
his blog posts, when the reader can see that the author has a passion for what
he’s writing; the reader will always enjoy the subject matter that the author
has chosen.
In conclusion, Justice Seymour’s blog is a very entertaining and also very insightful critique of the world of video in mass
media communications. You can check out Justice’s blog here
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